What People are Saying About the DBT AC-I

  • “The DBT Adherence Checklist is essential for every therapist, from the beginning of their DBT training, so they know how to work on conducting their sessions adherently.”

    — DBT team leader

  • “Truthfully, I really did not know how to adherently conduct my sessions. The checklist will make a significant difference in how I grow, move forward, and make a difference in the lives of my clients.”

    — DBT therapist

  • “It is hugely helpful to have benchmarks and a clearly defined scale. It helps me pragmatically identify areas for improvement.”

    — DBT agency administrator

  • “I have learned things about DBT adherence that I was not really aware of before, and I’ve used what I’ve learned with all my clients. I found it to be a mini training in itself.”

    — DBT therapist

  • "This is such a huge contribution. Distilling DBT to these essential components both makes it less overwhelming and highlights what is really important."

    — DBT expert trainer

  • “It has really changed my practice. I understand DBT much better. This checklist helps protect, ground, and make me the best therapist I can be for my clients.”

    — DBT team leader

  • “I would like to grow in my ability to deliver adherent DBT, and I think this would be great to use as part of my supervision.”

    — DBT graduate student trainee

  • “It has increased my motivation to deliver adherent DBT. It points out the concrete effective behaviors for me as a therapist that are needed.”

    — DBT therapist

  • “It is a very valuable tool both in self-evaluation and for evaluating my staff.”

    — DBT agency administrator