Research Support

The DBT AC-I Development and Testing Process


Note. DBT ACS = the DBT Adherence Coding Scale (Linehan & Korslund, 2003), the gold standard measure of adherence to DBT.

DBT AC-I Psychometric Properties



When the DBT AC-I was used by observers who had been trained to reliability in the original DBT Adherence Coding Scale (DBT ACS) it was found to have:

  • Excellent inter-rater reliability (ICC = 0.93).

  • High convergent validity with the DBT ACS computed global score (r = 0.90, p < .001).

  • Strong ability to identify adherent sessions (sensitivity = 91%) and non-adherent sessions (specificity = 80%) as defined by the DBT ACS using a cut-off score of 23.

Take-Home Message: The DBT AC-I offers an efficient and effective option for evaluating adherence to DBT when used by trained observers.

Therapist Self-Report

When the DBT AC-I was used by therapists who read the training manual and then rated their own adherence it was found to have:

  • Low inter-rater reliability between therapists and trained observers (ICC = 0.09).

  • Poor convergent validity with the observer-rated DBT ACS computed global score (r = 0.05, p = .63).

  • No ability to distinguish between adherent and non-adherent sessions as defined by the DBT ACS.

The degree to which therapists were able to accurately rate their own sessions varied widely (68-100% accuracy across therapists, mean = 84%). Therapists who were more accurate had:

  • Higher observer-rated adherence to DBT.

  • More knowledge of DBT.

Take-Home Message: Therapists vary considerably in their ability to accurately evaluate their own adherence to DBT. Therefore, therapists’ self-rated adherence on the DBT AC-I should not be assumed to reflect their actual adherence to DBT.

DBT AC-I Psychometric Study:

Harned, M. S., Schmidt, S. C., Korslund, K. E. & Gallop, R. J. (2023). Development and evaluation of a pragmatic measure of adherence to Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The DBT Adherence Checklist for Individual Therapy. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.

Additional Publications:

Harned, M. S., Schmidt, S. C., Korslund, K. E., & Gaglia, A. (2023). Therapist adherence to Dialectical Behavior Therapy in routine practice: Common challenges and recommendations for improvement. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.


The research to develop and evaluate the DBT AC-I was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to Dr. Harned (R56MH117085).