Our Team

  • Melanie Harned, PhD, ABPP

    Project Director

    Dr. Harned is the Coordinator of the DBT Program at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle Division and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. Previously, Dr. Harned served as the Research Director of Dr. Marsha Linehan’s Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics (2006-2018), Director of Research and Development at Behavioral Tech (2014-2017), and Director of Behavioral Tech Research (2013-2016). Her research focuses on the development of the DBT Prolonged Exposure (DBT PE) protocol for PTSD as well as strategies for implementing evidence-based treatments into clinical practice. She provides training and consultation nationally and internationally in DBT and DBT PE and has published extensively on these topics. Dr. Harned is licensed as a psychologist in the state of Washington, certified as a DBT Clinician by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, and certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology.

  • Sara Schmidt, PhD

    Project Co-Director

    Dr. Schmidt is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Washington State and a clinical instructor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. Previously, she served as the co-Investigator on Dr. Harned’s NIMH-funded research at the University of Washington and the VA Puget Sound Health Care System and directed the graduate training program in DBT at Dr. Marsha Linehan’s Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics. She also worked as a Research Scientist at Behavioral Tech where she assisted in developing DBT training content, methods, and customized implementation plans. Dr. Schmidt regularly provides professional trainings and consultation in DBT and DBT PE nationally and internationally and has published several peer reviewed articles and book chapters on these topics. She is a Certified DBT Clinician by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification.

  • Kathryn Korslund, PhD, ABPP

    Project Consultant

    Dr. Korslund is the Chief Clinical Officer of THIRA Health and a clinical instructor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. Dr. Korslund served as the Associate Director of Dr. Marsha Linehan’s Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics from 2003-2017 and was a co-Investigator on NIH-funded research with Dr. Linehan and Dr. Harned. Dr. Korslund is the co-developer of the DBT Adherence Coding Scale and oversees DBT adherence monitoring and coder training internationally. Dr. Korslund has conducted DBT training and consultation in the United States and internationally. She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Washington and is certified as a DBT Clinician by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification and in Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology.